Wednesday 17 December 2008

Study abroad (Eurocursos 2009)

If you want to go to the UK or Ireland to study English in the summer, this is your chance. The IVAJ is offering several grants for people currently studying first or second of Bachillerato. If you are interested, hurry up, since you only can apply until the 15th of January. Check up the following link to see all the details and the requiremets you need to be able to participate. Eurocursos IVAJ

Thursday 11 December 2008

Funniest telemarketer call ever

How many times have you recieved an annoying phone call from a telemarketer? Here you can listen to a man with a real strategy to turn this typical situation upside down. You can read the conversation as you listen, so it's easier to understand. Have a good laugh!

Tuesday 25 November 2008

When I grow up...

If you are on your way to finish High School, you may have quite a few doubts about what to study in the future. If this is your case, don't make an unplanned decision and look for the further studies that suit you best. There is a lot of information on the net just a click away. Here you have the sites where you can see the different degrees offered by the Valencian universities, along with all the subjects and details of each course.

Universidad de Valencia
Universidad Politécnica
Ciclos formativos

Friday 21 November 2008

Is the monster of Lake Ness a lie?

It is the only question that everybody has. Is the monster a lie? Is it a legend or it's true that a monster lives in Scotland? Nobody knows it. The monster of Lake Ness is an attraction for a lot of tourists, but the monster hasn't been seen by anybody. We have not enough information about it.

The photos about it aren't many, but the stories of the Scottish people are numerous. Paul Johnson, an American scientific says: If this animal lives today, he is now more than four centuries old!

Some people believe that the monster is a dinosaur, but does a dinosaur live four hundred years? I don't know. When I was a kid, I believed that the monster really existed, but now I am not sure. It's probably a mythological animal, as the Minotaur, Hydra or Dragons.

Courtesy of Jordi (4th of ESO)

If you want to know more about Nessy, check out these sites:

Official Loch Ness monster site
Loch Ness in Wikipedia
Loch Ness live web cam

Wednesday 19 November 2008

A Valencian discotheque gives plastic surgery as a prize

A discotheque in the Valencian Community, Pacha, has announced a party where there will be a prize draw for a plastic surgery operation. All boys and girls will be able to participate at a cost of 20€ per entrance. This way of attracting new customers is not new: in Argentina there have been similar iniciatives in the past. Although a great controversy has been raised, the owner of the disco said that there is nothing unethical in this campaign, that it's just a new form of marketing that proves that not everything has already been done.

What do you think about it?. Say your word by voting this month's survey.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Motivational video

If you think your English is bad, have a look at this video and get ready to change your mind... So next time you are afraid to talk in a foreign language, remember that this artist even had the courage to record this song!

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Halloween online hangman

Try this interactive game where you can hang a very chatty skeleton! All the words are related to Halloween and creepy stuff. You can keep playing and accumulate points if you keep guessing words. Have fun!

Halloween hangman

Monday 27 October 2008

Halloween warming up

Here you have a link where you can read the original version of 'The Raven', a poem by Edgar Alan Poe. You may find it difficult, but there's a little help with the vocabulary. Anyway, forget about the unknown words and try to read it poetically and enjoy how the words flow like music...

The Raven

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Time to cook!

Zucchini cream

You need:
  • 1 zucchini per person
  • 2 portions of 'Caserio' cheese
  • salt
Peel the zucchinis. Then cut them in thin pieces. Boil the pieces until they are soft. Add the salt. Finally, put them in the blender until it becomes a cream. Add two pieces of cheese per person and press them to make a mixture. TIP!: If you feel a strong taste, you can add cream (milk) into the zucchini cream.

Courtesy of Gaby (4th of ESO)

Monday 20 October 2008

Just carrots?

Internet is a great way to visit museums around the world. Here you have a site where you can find all sorts of things about carrots, including recipes, pictures, lots of information and virtual museums tours. You will never see a carrot with the same eyes...

Thursday 16 October 2008

The Earth has a message for you...

This site powered by Google maps allows you to create messages with satellite images from all around the world. You can send them to your friends and see where each letter comes from. Enjoy!

I'm back!

Long time, no see! It's been a long time since I don't update this blog. I'm sorry... I won't do it again...

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Beware of wallets!

The controversial Michael Moore strikes again with the critical irony that made him famous.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

What would you do if people froze around you?

Here you can watch a video where over 200 hundred people freeze at the same time and in the same place: the Grand Central Station in New York city.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

How many countries can you name in five minutes?

Currently there are 270 countries in the World. Try the following link to check how many countries you can name (in English!). You just have to type the name of the country and if it is correct, it will be added automatically to your list. When the five minutes are over, you can check your score and the countries you forgot. Have fun and challenge your friends to see who is the master of geography.
How many countries can you name?

Thursday 17 January 2008

Do you want to learn English abroad?

The IVAJ (Instituto Valenciano de la Juventud) is now offering its yearly grants to go abroad to study a foreign language during the summer. Applications can be sent until the 24th of January. Here you have the link where you can find all the information about the EUROCURSOS 2008. Good luck!

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Limbo skating

Have you ever danced the Limbo? That is, you lean backwards and dance facing the sky while you try to go under a horizontal stick without touching it. Now imagine doing this with your skates on. If this isn't difficult enough, watch this little Indian boy trying to break a Guinness world record. He really makes you think anything is possible, but do not try this at home...

Find out more about Limbo dance

Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow