Wednesday 23 January 2008

How many countries can you name in five minutes?

Currently there are 270 countries in the World. Try the following link to check how many countries you can name (in English!). You just have to type the name of the country and if it is correct, it will be added automatically to your list. When the five minutes are over, you can check your score and the countries you forgot. Have fun and challenge your friends to see who is the master of geography.
How many countries can you name?

Thursday 17 January 2008

Do you want to learn English abroad?

The IVAJ (Instituto Valenciano de la Juventud) is now offering its yearly grants to go abroad to study a foreign language during the summer. Applications can be sent until the 24th of January. Here you have the link where you can find all the information about the EUROCURSOS 2008. Good luck!

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Limbo skating

Have you ever danced the Limbo? That is, you lean backwards and dance facing the sky while you try to go under a horizontal stick without touching it. Now imagine doing this with your skates on. If this isn't difficult enough, watch this little Indian boy trying to break a Guinness world record. He really makes you think anything is possible, but do not try this at home...

Find out more about Limbo dance

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